Sunday, December 04, 2005

Be Chic

Who Doesn't want to be CHIC ??

If you live in Boca,, Boca Raton, that is... you are automatically bequeathed the "chic" gene !

So at we have a section called "Be Chic". Here we have selected stuff that might make one more chic - if you're not - or, will add to your "chic" collection of stuff - if you are already a trendsetter, a traditional preppy preservationist, a Chicos kind of upscale Bohemian or generally have a personal "signature" in all that you do.

Being Chic is not a particular style or genre. It is more a state of mind; an approach to everything you do. So at we know that being chic is not a pattern or formula that we can define. Rather it is a style that is the composite of all the things that make YOU unique and fun to be around.

We are adding new and interesting things to the "Be Chic" section so keep checking since new things are added every day! Be Chic at,Bride This is the Chic Bride section.

For the Chic Memories section, where you can savor and preserve special moments, photos, events and other memorabelia... See our Memories section,Memories Everyone has photos that are ripped, torn, faded....or perhaps you have a GREAT shot of you and your friends (or family), but you wish to DELETE a person no longer in your life.... Send the photo to our photo restoration service and select the style ("aged" or modern) of photo you wish to make. Presto, you have a new version of an old worn out photo...or... a great photo without the unwelcome party (....hmmm who might THIS be??) in the photo. Great DIVORCE gift !!!

Go to then click on "Be Chic"... then click on "Memories".... A memories redux of sorts!!

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